About the Job

U.S. PIRG seeks a Campaign Director to lead our effort to make sure our health care system delivers real value to consumers at an affordable cost. You will be responsible for developing campaigns to contain costs and improve care for Americans; evaluating policy choices; getting media coverage for our campaigns; as well as run grassroots organizing, recruitment, fundraising and coalition building to push for solutions that ensure our health care system delivers high value at an affordable cost for consumers.

The United States spends far too much on health care and gets far too little in return for each health care dollar. Despite a system world-renowned for developing advanced treatments, and an army of skilled and well-meaning doctors, nurses, researchers, hospital and pharmacy staff, our crazy-quilt health care system still fails to deliver an acceptable value proposition for consumers.

Powerful health care industry lobbyists will fight these changes and work to preserve the status quo, and the politics of health care has never been more divisive. But, for more than 40 years, U.S. PIRG has stood up to powerful interests whenever they threaten our health and safety, our financial security, or our right to fully participate in our democratic society. On health care, we opposed unjustified rate hikes and won victories in Oregon and California so far. California now requires insurers to justify rate hikes to the public, and Oregon state regulators recently cut a proposed 22% rate hike almost in half, saving $12.5 million for some ratepayers.


As the U.S. PIRG Make Health Care Work Campaign Director, you’ll exercise independent judgment and discretion to develop policy solutions and implement a variety of campaign strategies to mobilize the public and influence insiders. Representative responsibilities include:

Program Development: Help develop programs and campaigns, including researching the issue, creating viable policy solutions, and proposing the right political strategy and messaging. Create national campaigns that our state affiliates can execute.

Advocacy: Represent U.S.PIRG in legislative meetings and hearings. Build relationships with players in key regulatory agencies, the Governor’s office, the Capitol and more.

Campaign Strategy: Develop plans to win our campaigns; assess opportunities for building political support for our agenda through coalition-building, grassroots organizing, media coverage, and message development.

Coalition Building: Build relationships and mobilize support with key constituencies, from health professionals, business owners, school board members and others.

Media Outreach: Serve as the chief spokesperson for our campaigns through tactics like media events, press releases and editorial board meetings.

Fundraising: Write grant proposals, build relationships with foundation staff, and meet with major donors. Work with our citizen outreach staff to build and develop our membership base.

Managing Interns: Recruit new interns and volunteers to increase our impact and build our power. Oversee interns to develop and implement work plans, provide training and leadership development opportunities.


Candidates must have at least 8 years of relevant professional experience. Advanced degrees like a JD or a master’s degree are preferred, but not required. Qualified candidates will have a demonstrated commitment to citizen-based social change, as well as a track record of leadership. We're looking for people who are goal-driven and results-oriented, who have excellent verbal, writing and analytical skills, the ability to speak persuasively in a charged atmosphere, and enthusiasm for the work. Experience with related policy issues and how Washington, D.C. or statehouses work preferred.

Pay & Benefits

Target annual compensation for this position is commensurate with the relevant professional experience and/or advanced degrees that a candidate has. U.S. PIRG offers a competitive benefits package.


Philadelphia preferred, but would consider Washington, D.C, Denver or Boston

Things to know when you apply

U.S. PIRG is part of The Public Interest Network — a group of organizations that share a vision of a better country, a set of core values, and a coordinated strategic approach to getting things done. Click here for things you should know about our network when you apply.

U.S. PIRG is an equal opportunity employer and will not discriminate against any employee or applicant on the basis of race, color, national or ethnic origin, religion, age, sex, disability, pregnancy, or veteran status.


If you’re interested in learning more about U.S. PIRG, fill out this form and we’ll send you additional information, and link you to our online application.

By providing my contact information, I consent to have U.S. PIRG and the other groups in The Public Interest Network contact me with information about job opportunities and campaigns.